Cómo prepararse para la implementación de Microsoft Dynamics

El éxito de una implementación de Microsoft Dynamics depende de muchas variables. Las empresas deben prepararse minuciosamente para que los empleados comprendan la transición y la utilicen de manera eficiente. Las soluciones en la nube reducen riesgos como la pérdida de datos o fallas de hardware, ya que tienen requisitos de sistema más accesibles que los productos locales.

Con Microsoft Common Data Service (CDS) para aplicaciones disponible a través de Dynamics CRM, las empresas pueden hacer que sus sistemas sean compatibles con varios idiomas fácilmente cambiando la configuración de idioma en Microsoft Dynamics. La localización de Dynamics ERP y CRM ayuda a las empresas a alcanzar objetivos comerciales en países o regiones particulares al cumplir con las regulaciones o estándares contables locales.

Participar en el proyecto de una organización con partes interesadas clave ayudará a garantizar que cumpla con sus expectativas, se entregue a tiempo y dentro del presupuesto, y que cualquier problema encontrado durante la implementación se resuelva más fácilmente. Asegurarse de contar con las personas adecuadas es fundamental para cualquier implementación de Microsoft Dynamics.

Su equipo debe ser capaz de comprender tanto los procesos comerciales como la tecnología utilizada por Microsoft Dynamics

Al seleccionar un socio de Microsoft Dynamics, se recomienda buscar a alguien que comprenda el panorama internacional. Su experiencia en el uso del software en otros países resultará útil cuando se enfrenten obstáculos de localización e integración; además, deben comprender las diferencias culturales y lingüísticas que podrían impedir el despliegue del sistema.

Seleccione un socio de Microsoft que ofrezca servicios de capacitación y soporte a sus clientes para garantizar una implementación y soporte exitosos del sistema dentro de su empresa. Además, los servicios personalizados pueden ayudar a las empresas a adaptar la aplicación específicamente a sus necesidades, mejorando la experiencia por parte de los usuarios.

Microsoft Dynamics ha avanzado hasta un punto en el que ahora ofrece un único producto que unifica CRM y ERP con una impresionante vista completa del cliente. Las empresas centradas en las ventas pueden utilizar sus herramientas de comunicación multicanal y gestión de servicios de campo y de clientes.
Una ventaja de implementar Microsoft Dynamics en etapas es reducir el riesgo y aumentar el retorno de la inversión al permitir a las empresas priorizar la implementación de funciones esenciales primero, construyendo una base sólida para futuras iteraciones de funcionalidad.

Microsoft Dynamics es un paquete de software de gestión de relaciones con el cliente (CRM) y planificación de recursos empresariales basado en la nube que proporciona todos los datos comerciales en un sistema centralizado y ofrece soluciones para varios departamentos como marketing, ventas, contabilidad, recursos humanos y gestión de la cadena de suministro. Microsoft Dynamics permite a los usuarios obtener una visión profunda de la organización que representan, al mismo tiempo que les brinda capacidades para tomar decisiones informadas y tomar medidas decisivas cuando sea necesario.

Dynamics se puede adaptar para adaptarse a los flujos de trabajo y procesos únicos de su empresa

Esto incluye opciones para agregar o eliminar campos según sea necesario para cumplir con los requisitos comerciales. Además, los informes y paneles personalizados brindan una visión detallada de sus operaciones para que pueda tomar decisiones más informadas y aumentar la eficiencia.

Un paso esencial de la personalización de Dynamics es configurar protocolos de migración de datos y validar la información existente. Este paso es crucial para evitar que se importe información inexacta o irrelevante al nuevo sistema y establecer procesos para limpiar o rectificar inconsistencias en los registros existentes.

Dynamics ofrece muchas ventajas adicionales que la convierten en una solución atractiva para empresas de todos los tamaños, como su estrecha integración con productos populares de Microsoft como Outlook y Power BI, lo que simplifica la plataforma para los usuarios finales y fomenta mayores tasas de adopción. Además, los socios de Microsoft pueden alojarlo a través de un modelo SaaS o un servicio Azure administrado para simplificar el alojamiento del sistema.

Una forma eficaz de determinar si una solución Microsoft Dynamics CRM es adecuada para su empresa es hablar con un consultor experimentado. Un buen consultor explicará todas sus características y determinará cuál es más adecuada para usted, al mismo tiempo que ayudará a implementar y capacitar a los empleados en su uso.

Es de vital importancia seleccionar un socio de Microsoft Dynamics con un sólido historial de atención al cliente

Si bien el servicio al cliente solo en ocasiones encabeza su lista de prioridades, tener acceso a un equipo excelente puede hacer o deshacer el éxito de un proyecto. Un socio confiable debe proporcionar a sus clientes múltiples formas de comunicarse con el soporte, incluido soporte telefónico, por correo electrónico y chat en vivo, así como documentación y recursos que ayuden a solucionar problemas y responder consultas.

Microsoft Dynamics es uno de los principales software CRM y ERP. Utilizado por miles de empresas para acelerar los procesos comerciales, optimizar los canales de comunicación y fomentar las relaciones con los clientes de manera más eficiente, la implementación de Microsoft Dynamics requiere una planificación cuidadosa y pruebas rigurosas para lograr una optimización óptima.

Microsoft Dynamics es un sistema de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP) y gestión de relaciones con los clientes (CRM) con aplicaciones fáciles de usar para la planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP) y la gestión de relaciones con los clientes (CRM). Su interfaz fácil de usar permite a los usuarios personalizar fácilmente las vistas y los paneles del sistema. Al mismo tiempo, su guía intuitiva alivia la carga de los equipos de soporte y los departamentos de TI. Sin embargo, la implementación no es sencilla y debe planificarse cuidadosamente para que su implementación sea fluida.

Un componente integral de una implementación exitosa de Microsoft Dynamics es comprender la visión, la misión y la hoja de ruta de su empresa

Esto permitirá que el equipo del proyecto tome decisiones más informadas con respecto a las funciones, herramientas y procesos necesarios para alcanzar los objetivos y ahorrar tiempo en funciones que no tienen un impacto significativo sobre las operaciones o los clientes.

Se deben implementar de manera eficiente métodos de capacitación que atiendan diversos estilos de aprendizaje. Una plataforma de adopción digital es ideal, con contenido como archivos PDF y enlaces a bases de conocimientos (formato de lectura), videos y tutoriales diseñados para estudiantes visuales, auditivos y cinestésicos. El empleo de herramientas de adopción digital permitirá que sus empleados sean productivos de inmediato.

Una implementación efectiva de Microsoft Dynamics requiere un equipo de especialistas con amplio conocimiento técnico y de procesos comerciales que ayudarán con la implementación, administración y mantenimiento continuo del software, brindando orientación a los usuarios finales y capacitando a los nuevos empleados.

The open source software

We could be talking hours and hours about the great benefits of open source programs that exist in the market and the great virtues that this entails. Although at one point it seemed that the battle was lost in front of closed source programs, we now realize that it is much better to work with open source both at home and in the private sphere to have greater stability in the computer machines of the company as in the home personal computer. If we want to be sure that our computer equipment is going to work 100% we have to convince ourselves that we are using the best option according to our needs.

It is true that many times we opt for commercial software to be more relaxed in daily use because it is easier to use on a day-to-day basis because of its easy handling. But as the open source software programs have increased their performance many more users have joined the fashion of free code at no cost thanks to the development that has been taking over the years to have a visually As commercial aspect as you could have a Windows XP to give an example that we all know.

That is why we have repeated above that free code is very popular among individuals and companies because of its easy handling and also because of the ease there is nowadays of applying programs of all kinds, from video editing to any type of program that we need to use at that time. We have to emphasize that thanks to free code, large communities of programmers have been formed that have jointly developed many web applications and many computer programs that have become very popular over the years and that are already part of the lives of many people. Its great utility. We realize that an operating system is really useful when we can use it reliably and stably on a day-to-day basis without worrying about whether it will fail at any time. In addition, as we all know, it always fails in the worst case and leaves us many times without the work done with all the losses that this entails.

The best free and open source event registration programs

The world of events in the world of programming and computing are increasingly popular and require open source programs to work properly and we do not have to go looking for alternatives that are paid programs that do not usually yield as much and usually give More problems than benefits. Knowing that it is not surprising that more and more people want an effective alternative to event management programs offered by the private company Microsoft with its commercial product Windows.

In Webinaria you can find many options that can be very useful to implement in your public or private company. You can also count on a large number of people around you who will see and share all the content you are creating at all times. If we have commented above you are interested in software management programs here you can find a lot of content related to all types of sectors, but especially with the videos that most interest you at all times.

As you will see the whole platform is made in open source and you will not have any problem when recording and sharing your video with the rest of the community. Once you share the video you will be able to interact with many people who have the same interests as you and who will find a common path for who knows if one day they will carry out a common project. Open source communities is the easiest way to make friends who share your same hobbies and know and learn from each other every day as if they were your teachers. Learning in community thanks to open source is now a reality that you can enjoy thanks to Webinaria.

Next to an in-person meeting, there is no better way to communicate a sales demo or business presentation than with video.  From marketing or sales presentations to training videos for software applications, Webinaria can help bring your content to life. Businesses that are able to capture and record live interactions with web-based content are able to more effectively train and educate employees and customers. Webinaria aims to provide a more animated and theatrical presentation of business communications.

Chris Charlwood is the founder of Webinaria.com, and has worked with clients to promote their websites since 1999.  Chris graduated in 1993 with his business degree with a marketing specialization (BCOMM with Honours) from Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario Canada. After working in the non-profit, consumer packaged goods and banking industries for seven years in various marketing management roles, Chris started Charlwood eMarketing in 1999.  Chris sold his first software business in 2005 (Tristana Software – XML Editor and Desktop Solutions, launched in 2002).


Share video tutorials in Webinaria

Can you imagine being able to share video tutorials with a large community that has the same interests as you? Now and thanks to Webinaria.com you can do it without problem. You just have to turn on your webcam and start recording what interests you most to share it with a large community. If you do not want to generate content because you do not like being in front of the cameras you just have to register as a user and browse the website to be able to see and enjoy the different videos of all the themes that are already available to see totally free and without any additional cost.

With a simple registration you can see all the video tutorials that you want. One of the most interesting features is to be able to comment on the videos of your favorite creators to be able to exchange ideas and comments so that it is also a platform to make friends who have the same interests as you. You can also watch as many videos as you want without paying for the consumption of a maximum number of videos. This way we can guarantee that everything you see on this website will always be 100% free.

Surely after watching several Webinars you will want to create video tutorials to be also a content creator and share your knowledge with other users of the platform. In addition to all this you can also contact privately with another user who wants to answer you privately to start a conversation in a more private way to specify aspects such as creating a business together or who knows if to stay one day if you are the same city. Many times after watching a tutorial, you want to know that person physically to interact in a more direct way.

After watching a few video tutorials, you will surely grow on a personal and professional level and have a greater added value that will allow you to value yourself more at work and move up within the company to earn more money. Digiral training is one of the great added values ​​thanks to the internet.

Free open source screen recording software

The free code recording programs are becoming more and more fashionable and more and more people rely on these types of platforms to record their videos and then share them with other Internet users. The confidence that has generated this type of free code is thanks to the modernization and the collaboration of thousands of programmers who have developed different applications to improve the recording software without any economic interest, only to develop and help the internet community Have a better tool for recording videos to create different tutorials on all types of content.

Normally the tutorials are usually about how to learn to program, to have a greater profitability on our income, namely to use an internet tool to be able to record videos and edit them and even an endless number of things that you probably did not even know but now thanks to the Open source recording systems you can discover. With these tools many users have had the opportunity to create their own videos to show them to hundreds of thousands of people and be in contact with users who have the same interests as the person who is creating the video.

This combination makes many people create communities and do similar things to be able to improve free code recording programs. It should not be ruled out that there are also payment alternatives that also work very well and that in many cases have a very cheap price for all the services offered. Although that is an option that many people are using, open-source romantics always look for open source video recording programs to be able to see and check for themselves if it is necessary to make an improvement that they themselves can bring thanks to the code it’s not closed.

We could be here talking days and days about all the advantages offered by video recording programs developed with free code, but what we really advise you is to try them for yourself and really see that the performance offered is very good and very competitive with respect to the programs of recording of payment with closed code in which it is not possible to collaborate nor contribute anything when belonging to a private company with its own work team.